NG Fitness Services
Offering a range of services to support any goal. From group training to more of a tailored experience with 1-1 PT.

Personal Training
In person training to help you towards your goals, whilst perfecting technique and building your confidence. Also included; nutritional guidance and plan, online support, habit setting, progress tracking and more to help keep you accountable.
(Delivered 1-1 or paired/group)
Private studio, Ilminster (address given upon booking)
Enquire via email
or instagram.

Online Coaching
A PT in your pocket -
Providing you the tools and support to help you reach your goals;
tailored workouts to follow in your own time (gym or home), nutritional guidance and plan, weekly support, habit setting, progress tracking and more to help keep you accountable.
Include's consultation to discuss your goals, lifestyle, medical etc.
Enquire via email
or instagram.

Classes / Virtual
Delivering you a wide range of classes in either a friendly group environment or in the comfort of your own home.
Private studio, Ilminster - view classes / book here
Freedom Leisure Centre, Chard - contact centre directly to book​
Instagram @ngfitnessvirtual - LIVE and on demand classes that you can complete anywhere anytime
Private weekly classes also available
Enquire via email